
+91 98466 62341

Butterfly walks

Butterflies are some of the most easily noticeable and charismatic invertebrates. Ecotones and the rural landscapes around Muthuvankudi houses shelter some of the most interesting butterfly species, such as India's largest butterfly, the Southern Birdwing and the smallest, the Grass Jewel. Come spot these and many other tiny critters with us on our guided butterfly walks which are sure to enchant you.


Butterfly walks

Butterflies are some of the most easily noticeable and charismatic invertebrates. Ecotones and the rural landscapes around Muthuvankudi houses shelter some of the most interesting butterfly species, such as India's largest butterfly, the Southern Birdwing and the smallest, the Grass Jewel. Come spot these and many other tiny critters with us on our guided butterfly walks which are sure to enchant you.


Experience the cool caress of the breeze on your face as you cycle along the quiet country roads of Muthuvankudi. Set your own pace and take breathers midway to soak in the captivating charms of the spice plantations and picturesque panoramas around.

Interactions with local farmers

What is farming in the south Indian hillsides like? Experience it first hand by harvesting local organic produce in our local farmers' fields. Interact with these simple folk to find out more about spices, local farm produce and organic solutions to better farming—such as mixed cropping, crop rotation and the like. Nature trails and plantation walks are part of this activity.

Nature trails

Interested clients can opt for guided nature walks, which will take you through small woods with streams trickling by, spice plantations or reserve forests, depending on the client's choice.

Photography Sessions

Photo buff? Book your photography session in advance and our in-house photographers will guide you on nature trails through plantations and villages while giving you theoretical and practical tips on how to the make the most of your camera and capturing art.

Village walks

Muthuvankudi is a small village, where most households engage in agriculture of some sort. Walk around these little villages, along plantain fields and unexplored paths that will take you across the hamlet to sample the essence of village life.

Spice plantation visits

Walk alongside immaculately tended cardamom plants or through the vibrant green oceans of tea gardens on our plantation visits. Go on guided coffee, pepper or cocoa plantation tours with our local farmer-friends and listen to their stories of harvest and hard work.